Daniela has a Law degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (“UNAM”, by its acronym in Spanish), with a specialization in Foreign Trade Law. She has studies at King's College London and has a Master 2 in Trademarks, Models and Industrial Designs from the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (“CEIPI”, by its acronym in French) at the University of Strasbourg, France, as well as a diploma in Economics from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (“ITAM”, by its acronym in Spanish) and a diploma in International Industrial Property Regulation from the Carlos III University, in Madrid, Spain. Currently, she is in the process of obtaining a master's degree in Intellectual Property and New Technologies from the Panamerican University.
Daniela is a member of the Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, A.C. (“AMPPI”, by its acronym in Spanish), where she currently serves as coordinator of the Committee on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications for the 2023-2024 biennium.
Daniela has successfully completed the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) courses on Intellectual Property, Copyright and Related Rights, and Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions. She also speaks fluent English and French.
Before joining Dorantes Advisors, where she leads the Intellectual Property practice, Daniela served as an attorney at the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (“IMPI”, by its acronym in Spanish) for five years. There she worked as an examiner in the areas of trademark registration under the Madrid System, national trademark registration, request for review against the refusal of a registration, as well as applications for the recognition of geographical indications and appellations of origin, both national and foreign.
As a fan of anime, fantasy and science fiction, Daniela spends her free time drawing, reading and catching up on current TV series.